To the Right honorable my esspecyall good Lord, the Lorde Burgley Lorde Tresurar of England./
6. october 1587 The Countess of Shrewsbury
my sengiular good Lord, I moste humble and hartely thanke your Lordship for your Lettar sente by my sonne Wylliam Cauendish, yt ys my greatest comforte that yt pleaseth your Lordship to haue Care of me, your honorable fauors hath only supported me, else grefe and dyspleasur would haue enddyd my dayes./ now to segnefye to your Lordship my present state wherof yt pleased your Lordship to wyll me to aduertys you since my coming into the contrie my Lord my husband hath come to his house wengfeld wher I moste remayne not paste iij tymes more haue I not sene him, he stayed not ovar aday at a tyme at his being heare not vnquiat nether well pleased, since my coming downe he hath allowed me grosse prouegions as beefe mutton and corne to sarue my house but now not Longe since he hath sente me word that he wyll not allowe me any further and doth withdrawe all his prouegion not suffaring me to haue suffecyent fyar, yf yt myghte please my Lord that I may remayne in house with him as I oughte and as her majesty put me in comforte I should I shall not desire any prouegions, tyll then I truste he shall not be suffared to withdrawe them from me, yt pleased her majesty to assure me that my Lord's prouegions to me should be bettar worthe then seuen hondreth pound a yeare, ovar and besydes the thre hondreth pound in mony he alloweth me./ I heare by Charles my Lord hath ben dysquiatted with a Lettar your Lordship hath sente him of Latte, concerning me, the more honorable and frendly yt pleaseth your Lordship to write of me, the more ys he or some aboute him dyscontente I moste humble thanke your Lordship for your moste honorable remembarance of me to him, I know your Lordship hath euar ben his beste frend, and yf I mighte contenew with my Lord I assure my selfe howsoeuar he ys now parswaded he would then thenke and acknowledge him selfe much behoulding to your Lordship for wishing and aduising him to vse me well, yt was sonne aftar the receate of your Lordship's lettar that he stayed his prouegions from me what he wyll doe further I know not, I humble beceeche your Lordship that my Longe delayed mattars,

may now receue ende, tyll then my enemys wyll take great aduantage to sture vp my Lorde ageanste me and myne, and styll deuide vs, I humble thanke your Lordship for your greate fauors to my sonne this bearar, whom I beseeche your Lordship's Lyscence to attend one you for my mattars, and thus humble craueing pardon for my trobuling your Lordship in this sorte I moste humble cease with my dayly prayar to sende your Lordship all comfortes./ with a most happy Longe Lyffe, at wengfeld this vjth of octobar

your Lordship's moste faythfull frend and so bounde./


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