To the right honorabell my very good frend. Sir Robert Sicill knight; hir majesties principall Secretary./
20: May 1595 The Countess of Shrewsburie to my Master./
my honorabell good frend; hering Lately that hir majesty had made speciall choyse of you, for hir hyghnes principall secretary, I reseued great comforte therby, in regard, of the honor, and loue, I beare you./ The honorabell remembraunce, the whole realme reteyneth, of your most nobell father, placed in yat rome you now are in, wyll make euery on expect no less good of you, carying yat name, and being sonne to so worthy a counselor;/ hir majesty in hir great wysdome and for your owne worthynes hath called you to this place, as on metest for hir hyghnes seruice, which all good subiects are to reioyse at./ I pray you remember me in the kindest maner to your nobell and vertuus Lady, my very good frend./ and so beseching god to bless you with all honor and happines, I ceass./ from hardwyck the xxth of may

your assuryd faythfull frend


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