The Countesse of Shrewsbury thankes my master for his ... trevwell and frendly delyng
good syr Thomas Corne[wall]ys vnderstanding by my sonne Charles of your frendly dealing and greate paynes taken for the well fenyshing and parfecting of the books betwene my brother syr Thomas kytson and me hath ben such and so faythfully in euery respecte by you parformed as I know not how to be thankfull yenoughe for the same and as you haue thus begonne so I most earnestly desyre you to contenew your good meanes that allthyng... may be now fenyshed without further prolonging of the tyme wherin as I haue synce the begening had grete cause so I must thynke my selfe greatly behoulding vnto you and secke by all meanes to requyte your frendly dealing, and thus with my hartyest comendatyons I wyshe you as to my selfe sheffeld this xxiiijth of nouembar

your faythfull frend


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'Bess of Hardwick's Letters' was developed by The University of Glasgow with technical development provided by The Digital Humanities Institute at The University of Sheffield
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