To ye Ryght honourabyll & my verey good lady my lady off Schrewssbery
My most honourabyll good lady off Screwssbery./ ye name off yowr goodnes dothe provoke me to oppyne my hart./ seyng my good lord yowr hussband. dothe nott ye best intreatt me ffor my warrant dormant. whyche ffrely he gaue me. & now witholldes ye same/

ffyrst. When my lord was lord talbott I cam in to ye Kynges cowrt in a new gown off breod tawny taffata lyned with lukkes velluet gardyd with ye same whyche my Lord praysyd/ I sayd yff he wollde gyff me as good a gown when he was erle off screwssberi/ I wolld send ytt hym./ so ye nexte day. I dyd send it to hym/ a grett whylle affter my lord beyng erlle. dyd gently remember thys promes to me & wolld haue sent me certayn yerdes off sylke ffor hyes promes/ I dyd gyff thankes to my lord. & requyred hys warrant dormant./ whyche most hartly he gaue me/ & affter I dyd delyuer ye same a warrant. to Master blythenal to schew ytt to the Kepares. ye ffyrst yere/ & he to take ye one hallff & to send to me ye other/ & in ye mean tyme he dyed/ & hys clerke seyng the warrant dormant/ dyd slyely bryng ytt to my lord/ off my ffaythe here ys yet trewth & yowr ladyschypes promes. to hellp me ys ye verey cawse yatt oonlly by yowe I thynke to rekeuer my warrant/

ffurther beyng att cardes in Maseter tresureres chamber I dyd lend to my lord beyng att cardes. ffurty angelles ffor xxli/ I the... beyng a lozer above xxxli/ att Chellssey my lord dyd bryng ytt to me off in y... garthyn/ wude hyes gown/ Sir Antonye neffy[le] beyng bye/ I dyd asske my lord whether he hade nede off money or noo/ he say[d] agaynn yatt yff I wolld fforbere ytt then/ he wolld thankeffully pay me in yorkeschyre I sayd yff he wolld haue a more he scholld haue ytt/ so then he gaue me grett thankes/ & now I dessyre yowr ladyschip to remember me/ yn thes two matteres/ as ye thynke ryght/ & yff I lyue I schall nott be unthankfull to your ladyshyppe/ ydes xj off Awgust youres to command

Arthur Curzon

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