To the Ryght honorabell
my [synge]uler good lorde
an[d b]rother the erle of
My good lord and brother yt ys wrete to me at lenth
by my sone gelberte talbott how honorabley your Lordship
contenewes your wontyed care to do good styll to me
and myne, and theryn ys expressed your Lordship’s honorabe[ll]
prouydence now entended for my dowter lennox yn
maryage, I shall euer acknolege besydes ane enfenytte
nomber your goodnesses to me and myne, the latte
good spede and prefarment my sonne charles hade,
brought to passe by your Lordship’s only wysdome. but as
your Lordship’s nobell mynde ys euer workenge nobell effectes
and of the same frewtes by good fourtune I and all
[my]ne amongst otheres to owre great comfortes do
...[ely ta]ste, I beynge of no poure nor abelyte any
...[wes] to make apeare the dewty of thankes/
... your Lordship the greatter by me and myne ough[t]
...onde your Lordship’s worthey famme whyche ys all the
[re]compence I cane make and the beste sarues all
myne are abell to do vnto your Lordship all the dayes of
ther lyues. and for my dowter lennox of whome
your Lordship plecythe to haue that esspecyall care, and we most
bonde to your Lordship for yt, yeldynge humbyll thankes to
your Lordship she dothe styll fynde har selfe so many wayes
bonde to you, as wylbe aduysed by your Lordship more then
any man and I hartely desyre your Lordship to contennew that
honorabell mynde towardes har ether for the Lord
Sandes or any other that shalbe thought metyste, and
yf yt plese your Lordship to comende eny to Chattysworth
as a place for sondery cauncus I desyre fourst to enter
ther aquentance, he or whome elce your Lordship comendes
shalbe as frendly welcome as I am behouldyng to geue one
sent by your Lordship, wereyn as yn althynges elles I do
refare her happy mache, her well bestoynge ys my
greatys care, some of my frendes haue heretofore
wyched sondery good machus for her, yf I coulde haue
founde yn her the lyste lykenge more to one then a
nother I wolde haue trobeled your Lordship herwith without whouse
specyall help I knowe yt colde take no good affecte
she sayth euer to me she cane nott determyne har selfe
to lyke of any for a hosbande whome she neuer saye nor
knoywethe not hys lykenge of har. I defare all to
your Lordship’s honorabell good consederacyon of whome
as of vary nobelyte hym selfe I take my leue with my
prayer for all hapynes to you and yours shefelde
the xviij of maye
your Lordship’s faythefull
I cannott contente my celfe my wyfes lettares shall passe. withoute
Rememberenge & commendynge my celfe
vnto your Lordship my derest frende
with my moste hartyste thankes for the
honorabell care of vs & oures whereby if it comlebe you ... more
& more bynde me to be youres/ Your Lordship’s moste fethe[full]
G S[hrewsbury]