To the right honorable [the Cou]ntes of Shrevesbury ... at Chattesworthe ... whear./
My moost humble duetie remembred vnto your honorable good Ladyship may it please the same tunderstand, that I haue sent you herein enclosed the articles of peaux concluded and proclamed through all ffraunce, in ffrenche by cause thei be not at this howre to be had in Englishe, which be translated and in printing, and if the peaux be kepte the protestantes be indifferently well.

The great sitting is donne at Norviche, and as I do heare credebely that Apellyerd, Througmorton, Redman, and an other is condemned to be hanged drawen and quartered; and Hobert and .ij. moo be condemned to perpetuall imprisonement, with the losse of all their goodes, and landes during their lives. the .iiij. condemned for high treason, and thother for reconsilement. Thei were charged of thies .iiij. pointes. The distruction of the quenes person; The imprisonement of my Lord Keper, my Lord of Lecester, and Secretary Sicell; the setting at Libertie out of the towar the duke of Norfolk; and the banishement of all strangers; and it fell out in their examination that thei wold haue imprisoned Sir Christopher Haydon and Sr William Buttes the quenes Levetenantes; none of them cold excuse them self of any of the .iiij. points saving appellyerd said that he ment nothing towardes the quenes person; for that he ment to haue bid them to a bankete, and to haue betrayd them all, and haue wonne credite thereby with the quene. Througmorton was mvte, and wold say nothing, till he was condemned; who than said Thei be full mery now; that wilbe as sory with in thies fewe dayes, Master Bell was atturney, for Master Gerrard, he being one of the iudges; and Master Bell alleged against Appelyerd that he was consenting to the treason before, alleging one Parkers wordes that was broughte prisoner with doctor Story out of fflanders, that Parker hard of the treason before Nallard came ower to the duke of Alva; and there stod one bacon by, that hard Parker say so; my lord offered a booke to bacon for to sweare; O my lord saythe Appelyerd will you condeme me of his othe that is regestered for a knave in the booke of marters.

Thei had set out a proclamation; and had .iiij. provisies, one was touching the wantenes of the court; and thother touching this land to be quonquered by the Scottes; and .ij. moo that I cannot remember. There was meny in troble for speaking of seditious wordes; as

Thomas Sicell sayd that the duke of Norfolk was not of that religion as he was accompted for to be; and that his cosen Sicell was the quenes darling, who was the cause of the duke of Norfolks imprisonement with suche lyke, who is put of to the nexte assyse./

Arthur Midelton said; my Lord Morley is gonne to set the duke of Alva into Yermouthe; and if William Kete had not accused Througmorton and the reste; we had had a hott harvest; but if the duke of Norfolk be alive; Thei all dare not put them to deathe./

Medclalfe said; that he wold helpe the duke of Alva in to Yermouthe; and to washe his handes in the protestantes bloud.

Marshame said; that my lord of Lecester had .ij. childerne by the quene; and for that he is condemned to lowse bothe his eares; or elles pay a presently.

Chipline said he hoped to the see duke of Norfolk too be king before Michelmas nexte; who dothe interprete that he ment not to be king of England, but to be king of Scotland.

Master Bell and Master Solliciter said bothe to this effecte to the prisoners. What mad fellowes were you, being all rangk papistes, to make the duke of Norfolk your patronne that is as good a protestand as any is in England; and being wicked traytors to hope of his helpe to your wicked intente and purpose; that is as true and as faythefull a subiecte as any is in this lande; saving only that the quene is mynded to imprison him for his contempte.

Doctor Story is at Master Archedeacon Wattes howse in custody besides Powles.

Thurleby the late Busshopp of Ely dyd this last weke at Lambethe.

The Spanishe quene is arryved in the Lowe countries and will imbark as sowne as may be.

The Emperor is setting forward his other doughter towardes Mettes to be maryd to the ffrenche king.

It is written by lettres of the xxviijth of the last from Venece that the Turk hathe landed in Ciprus a men and moo and hathe besiged the .ij. great cities within that kingdome, Nicosia, and famagosta; at one assalte at famagosta thei lost men. Vpon the which repulse the Bebarbey of Nattolia the generall of the Turkes army writte to the great Turk his master that he thoughte it was vnvincible; he aunswered that if thei did not wynne it or thei came, thei shold be put to the sword at their returne home.

The Turk hathe sent on other army by land against the Venetians in to Dallmatia, and are besiging of Hara with footemen and horsemen; and divers townes thei haue taken as Spalatro, Elisa, Ebba and Nona. with great spoile and bloudshed; and it is writen that the Turke[s] severall armes be abowe tow hundrethe thousand men; against the Venetian[s] The men first sent by the Venetians fell so in to deseases at Corfue by the waye, as thei were fayne to prepare new men, which is thoughte will hardly comme to do any good in Ciprus; a man may for what accompte is to be made of thies worldlye thinges as to see in a smale time the third state of Christendome in sirinite, power, and welthe, to be in daunger of vtter owerthrowe in one yere.

Thei say my Lord of Leceter hathe many worke men at Kyllingworthe, to make his howse stronge, and dothe furnishe it with armour, munition, and all necessaryes for defence. And thus Iesus haue my Lord and your Ladyship and my frend in his tuition to godes pleasure. scribeld at London the last of August .1570.

[your] Ladyship's ever to command during life

[Hugh Fitzwilliam]

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