To my very Lovinge
cosin harry ffoliambe
of Derrick Esquier
Good cosin ffoliambe. I am geven to vnderstand that this
Whytson weeke was apointed for determeninge an order
towchinge Elizsabeth fflint wedow/ for that her
husband lately dyed intestate./ at which conclusy[on]
becawse shee thinkes yt behoves her to have my
servant Rolland her brother/ and vpon vrg[ent]
cause to ymploy him otherwyse, Let me intreat
you to defer the matter vntill Trynety
Sunday: as also to vse very frendly consideracion
towards the wedowe/ and the rather for that I
wilbe loathe to see her wronnged/ wherin
seing the case so standes, as your frendship
and well handling the matter may stryke the
stroake/. I nothing rest in doubte of your
forwardnes and favor to her cause/ the
which I shall take in very tha[n]kful[l]
sorte and not be found vnmyndfull ...
may do you plasure/ with m[y]
very harty commendacions I bid ...
farewell. Chatsworthe the ...
of Iune/
Your Lovinge cosin