To my wyfe the countes of Shrewsbury
My dere harte as you longe to be with me so Assuredly I Am as desyrvs to have you/ I thanke you for your lettar & thynges you sent me this lade hathe bene this day in the well with All hur wemen to helpe hur & bellars nede che was this laste nyght very fente & ill Ates che lyes most oft hur bedde/ I perseve by my lade lynoxe lettar to you suttun & Anothar is fawlen syke/ if they hadd cum they wold have hadd it here wyche hadde nott bene so good/ bedd your daughttar take hede for etynge frute wyche che loves well because you Arre In dout wethar it wylbe late befor you cum heddar I wyll sende sum folkes to wete apon you commend me to my daughtar talbott & god blyse hur & you As my one harte/ this fryday at Astar iiij of the cloke / / /

Your fethefull husbande

G Shrewsbury

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'Bess of Hardwick's Letters' was developed by The University of Glasgow with technical development provided by The Digital Humanities Institute at The University of Sheffield
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