My bounden duty duty &c: on fryday at nyghte my Lord sente to me to be with him the nexte morninge erly, I came to Worsop aboute ix a clock & founde the ij erles together, but saw them not tyll dynner was on the table after ordinary greetynge., at the borde my Lord spekynge of Welbeck my Lord of Rutlande sayde he was suer my Lord wolde pay for it, & so quod he you promised me yesternight which my Lord denyed, but sayde my Lord/ your Lordship was exceding ernest with me so to doe, wherat they were bothe very merry, & he styll was ernest with my Lord therin, but he laughed it of. after dynner, my Lord caled me to him into his chamber, & tolde me a longe tale of the cause of his metynge with that Lord, theffecte in substance was to contynew frendshipp with him, & recyted many resons that he had to truste him better then any noble man, & sayde that I had lyke cause to doe so, bothe in respecte of kyndred & yat he lovethe me excedinge well & sware by god he was never more ernestly delte with then he had bene by him synce his cumminge for me, bothe to be good to me in present & herafter, & bad me take knowledge therof & gyve him thankes, & yat in any case I sholde goe to Newarke to him, & before he had ended all that it seemed he wolde have sayde, he was caled away by the others beynge reddy to goe done to horsse so when I came oute I brefely gave him thankes for yat my Lord had tolde me, & he wysshed he were able to doe me any pleasure, desyred me to cum to Newarke & he wolde tell me more, & non lyvynge be better wellcum, & so we parted, then rode I sum parte of my Lord's way with him// he tolde me yat the cause he wolde not have me carry my wyfe to London was for yat he thoughte your Ladyship wolde goe vpp to London & then wolde my wyfe ioyne with you in exclaminge agaynste him, & so make him to Iudge the worsste of me, with much to yat effecte, I alledged the nessessitie of my wyves estate how ill I colde lyve here withoute any provisions, but he cutt me of, saynge he loked owrely for leve to goe vpp & after he had been there him selfe I mighte carry her if I wolde & if I did before he colde not thynke I loved him, & for her helthe, he sayd fisitians myghte be sente for tho he bare the charges, & wolde not suffer me to speke a worde more therof but bad me now doe it if I wolde.// Then he tolde me that Lewis beynge at Newarke hercules foliambe tolde him yat he harde my Lord had commanded me to putt away my wyfe & caled Lewis & he affyrmed it, & so my Lord willed me to charge folliambe therwith & make him brynge oute his autor //Then he tolde me that the matters was harde betwyxte your Ladyship & him & yat Sir Walter Mildmay & the master of the Rolles was wholy on your syde & wolde have sett done an order clene agaynste him, but yat the Lord chefe Iustyce wolde not therto consent, but stuck to him as frendly as ever man did & he wolde honor & love him for it whylste he lyved, and yat the order was deferred tyll thursday laste, and that this laste weeke he had founde oute & sente vpp all the paper bookes wrytten by Rychard cooke, of all maner of conveances whatsoever, wherby there appered that Knyveton & cooke delte the moste trecherously with him yat ever any men had done, but recyted not wherin, savynge that he hathe not hardwyk & the West cuntrey landes withoute Immpechement of waste, as he wolde be sworne his meninge was. further yat William candishe he sayde was not asshamed to demande xviij hundred poundes for lott & cope, & made suche a matter of yat as was never harde, wherof he spake so oute of purpos as it were in vayne to wryte it.// Then commended henry Candishe excedingly for mayntayninge his honor, which he sayde he sholde fare the better for, & tolde yat dyvers noble men had of late answered for him very stoutely espetially ye erle of cumberland.// Then tolde yat Bentall herynge how evell he was spoken of at London, & for yat your Ladyship had caled him traytor, he desyred leve to goe vpp, ether to be clered or condemned, & yat he had wrytten by him to my Lord Tresurer & my Lord of Lester yat he mighte be thorroly tryed & have as he had deserved, as for his knowledge of him he wrote he had founde him the truest & faythfullest servante yat ever he hadd. he sayde Bentall rather chose to goe vpp of him selfe then to be sente for And yat he had bene twise examined before my Lord Tresurer & my Lord of Lester, & had sped well & so wolde doe he hoped Thes are all the spetiall poyntes yat I can remember he spake of. I began many tymes to tell him my greffes & to open my estate but he wolde not suffer me to speke but sayde he loved me beste of all his chyldren & yat I had never geven him cause of offence, but in tarryinge so longe at chatesworthe, which thynge he also wolde not suffer me to answere, but sayde it was paste, & he wolde not here more therof. he apoynted me to mete him at Wynkefeld to morrow at nyghte touching the cause with the purveors which is apoynted at belper chappell the nexte day beynge Sainte Mathews day.// When I was parted with my Lord I mett style with the stuffe// The secrete he tolde me of thestate of my Lord's boddy was yat swellinge, which he sayde he thoughte none but him selfe did know, but when I tolde him where it was he marvayled yat I knew it he tolde me yat bentall perswaded my Lord yat he was able to doe him suche servis above as he never had done him, and to discover the secretes of all thynges, espetially by his brother yat serves my Lord of Lester, but Steele sayd he verely thoughte he sholde be layde vpp in pryson he sayde he talked with curle all the day before he wente, & all yat morninge, but I colde gett oute no partyculer thynge of him besydes his contynuall familiaritie with all the scottes, he sayde ther is not any aboute my Lord but Strynger but sekethe my vndoynge. I am in hope to mete master Seriante Roodes at Wynkefeld.// herinclosed is a note for your Ladyship to reede.// the remaynder of Rufford & Langeford is assuredly in my brother henry Candishe as the other landes yat are vnrevocable are// I desyre to know whether your Ladyship thynkethe that her Majestie will be offended with my goynge to Newarke to yat erle or not, considerynge what speches she vsed to me of him. if it be not in yat respecte I thynke it is very nessessary I goe thither seeynge yat he hathe vsed so good offyces for me to my Lord// my Lord sayde to one yat my Lord of Lester was Bentalls gret frend & had promised to brynge him to her majestie to clere him selfe.// god prosper your Ladyship in all thynges

We moste humblie beseche your Ladyship’s blessinge to vs all./

G Talbott

Mary Talbott

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