To my Lady.
Good maddam and my most honourable good Lady and mother, I and my wyfe are most bounden to your Honourable Ladyship and through your goodness and bownty, We ar lyke to keepe the meryar Chrystemas, Whearin never day shall passe, that we wyll not have a dutyfull remembrance to your Ladyship God send your Honor many a Healthfull and merry Chrystemas, and well to all your Ladyship's wysheeth well too, which we knowe ys to all good folkes. In these Troblesome tymes next Goddes and the Kynges, yf my servyce, any Wayes may be lykynge, yt shall be due to your Honourable Ladyship And thus With most dutyfull thankes; We pray to God for your Ladyship's longe and prosperus healthe longe to contynew. With desyre of your Honourable blessynge. Tutbery. the vjth of December. 1605

Your Ladyshyps humble and obedyent Soonne

Henry Cavendysshe

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