To the ryght honorable hys Synguler good Lady the [countess] of Shrewsbury at Shelfeld Castell in hollomshyre
Havyng occasyon convenyent to wryte vnto your Ladyshypp, I ha[ue] thought good gladly to attempe the same/ humbly beseechyng yow to deale with my Lord your husbande, that where hys howse at cowlhar[bor] may (as I suppose (for a tyme) bee spared, for the pleasuryng of on of hys and your noble frendes) that yt woold please hym [to] Lend the same (vntyll owr Ladye day) vnto the Lady Mary Sydney/ of the condytyon of whose habylytee to requyte both your curtesyes heerin, as I know yow both fully resolved/, so of the redy thankfulness of hyr mynd in all such honorable offyces of vertue I assure my selfe ye posses no les assuraunce/ besydes the which ye shall as yt were whett and refresshe the memory of both my noble lordes hyr brethren with contynuance of my Lord's and yors lastyng frendshypp to theyr howse/ thus knowyng s... perswasyons of myne needfull where yow bothe honor so much I... cease from larger speech heerin, sygnyfying only thys that the same effect I delt with Master Batman at hys last bee[ing] heere at the court, wher I remayne redy and gladd to d... my Lord and yow the honor and servyce I can/ beeyng my se... (by the carfullnes of my noble frendes of whom my la[dy] for whom I wryte hath beene the cheefe) farr happyer to doe yow servyce then euer I was before/ as knoweth god to wh[om] I pray for your Ladyship's long and glad prosperytee/ awaytyng your curtyse and noble answer heerof/ ffrom the court thys xixth of November./. / / /

your Ladyshypps humble as I know ye dout [not]

R[ichard Cavendish]e

torne ouer

My very good Ladie, fyndinge my Coosen Candishe your vmble well willer and faythfull folowere. This well disposed in my behalf to truble your Ladyshipe I thoght good also with my wonted assured honoringe off you, To salute you good Madame with souche comendacions as my hart cane Thinke no more In good Will to enny and so restinge at your Ladyships Comandment. with my Lyck Sute with Master [Candishe] for your Ladyships howse, I comit you good Madame To the almightie. your Ladyships assured yf it pleas you Madame to shew me this fauore. I shall think my self [bound] vnto you my Comendacions

M Sydney

my none I se my lady sedney ys desyrus to haue your howse thys wynter. yf yett plese you that she haue yett apone ondecyone that yf you come to london your selfe that then you may haue yett apone ij dayes warnynge to be made redy for you. yett were not amesse I am of openyon you shall not come there afore ester god grante you may be ther then yn good sorte, I wyll sett my workes yn as good order as I cane and come to you of saterday come senett and soner yf you se causse, yf you lende your howse I prey you synnyfy your plesure to bylbrowe. by thys barare hare fottmane who brought me thys latter fare well my deare none thys monday nyght yours


To my lorde

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