To the right worshipfull my very
good Cosin and frend Sir ffrancis
Willoughby. knight at
Good cosin, in respect of the good will I beare you I made offer to my cosin
Henry Willoughby for the disbursment of three or fowrre thousand poundes in such sort as
he hath signifyed to you. and thoughe of late I haue had very good offers made me
of land to be sold yet in respect of my former promis I haue not gyven care
therto./ The Land you offer in morgage vppon further lookinge into the matter
I fynd to be threescore pound rackt rent, and threescore poundes of old rent, and of
the old rent some in lease for lyves. and your mannor of willoughby the principall
thinge besydes yat some part of it is in lease for lyfe the whole is in ioynture to
my lady Willoughby. So yat for so great a somme I think it not a convenient porcion
I know where for less then half this money you assured for more land. yet
haue I told my cosin this bearer yat there shalbe three thousand pound pres[en]tly
disbursed vppon this land. and yf you be to vse any more vppon further assur[ance]
there shalbe more redy for you: I hope you doe assure your self yat I look not for
any thinge but for the security of them yat are to disburse this money. your
Land I do not desyre. yf I could be assured of your lyff there should not
nede any morgage at all to be made but the yongest and healthfullest
are subiect to chaunge. My cosin Henry Willoughby will shoe you my
mynd at more length./ And so praying god to send you longe lyffe and
happy health. I ceass. from chatsworth this viijth of maie .1594.
Your lovinge cosin and assured frend
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