To m[y Lady]
my most humbill duty remembred I haue reseued yow honor’s leter and thanke the Lorde yow honor with al other the swet lady ar well the mighty god Longe so blesse them al, presently after I received yow ladyship’s leter I went to my lady cobham and we longe confarde of the matter I se by her she was muche against yow honor giuinge money master wingfield and I founde her so muche agannst the same that we ment if we coulde haue founde any fine reare thinge to haue bestowed thurty or fortye pounde of some suche thinge but how she woulde Like the best coulde be hade beinge not her owne doinge we muche douted// now we haue concluded she shall prouide the same whiche she sayth she wyl do to her magisty likinge truly if yow honor had geuen money I feare yt woulde haue bene ell liked yow swet Iewel I thank god hath good helth and ys so good a childe as can be thys day I sent for atealer to make her braue yow yow honor's grene vellet but we want auel ther was but v yards and a quarter to make her gowne full vij yards wyl but sarue of that breth/ she shall want nothinge with in my powre to Incorege her in well doinge/ yow good frende my Lady cheke had Longe talke with her magisty latly of my Lord’s harde dealinge and the quene gaue many good wordes what she woulde do for yow honor/ my brother recharde ys gone towne thys day he wisshes yow ladyship agowne of the smell of hys cloke no he hath some of hys oulde vmors I se by hym aquiat minde ys worth muche god sende yt them sone that want so I end in most humbill wysse St Iones the viijth december

yow honors

E wingfelde

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'Bess of Hardwick's Letters' was developed by The University of Glasgow with technical development provided by The Digital Humanities Institute at The University of Sheffield
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