thankes, for your La. bountyfull goodnes towardes vs ^at^ all
tymes, my Wyfe and I haue made boulde to present
your Ho. good La; wt shuch poore and homely thynges, for
a symple newyears gyfte, as thys place can aford, beshe=
chyng that accordynge to your La. accustomed goodnes,
you Wyll vouchesafe them in good part; and we shall
praye most earnestly to God almyghtty, to send your Ho.
La; many happy and healfull new years. And so
humbly cravyng your La dayly blessyng to vs both,
We most humbly take owr leave.
Tutbery the last of Decem. 1605.
/ / / /
obedyent soonne.