To the Right honorabell Sir Robert Sicill knight principall Secretary to hir Majestie
1600. 2 Iune. The Countesse of Shrewsbury to my Master
good master Secretary. I am lothe to be trobelsom to you, but when matters concerne me greatly, you wyll geue me leue to resorte to your honorable fauor, I haue and doe rely theron, and now occasion is offred wherein you may plentyfully shoe yt without the hurte of any, in mayntening me in my honest and just cause./ I am wronged by those, who in reson shold seke my comforte./ the erle of Shrosbery under pretence of a graunt of conceled Lands, goeth about to ouerthroe, thestate of some Lands formerly conueyed to my children, and derly obteyned by me, and uppon great considerations, the matter I haue caused to be briefly set downe, which my sonn william Cauendysshe wyll present to you./ I besech god to graunt you long and happy health with all honor./ from hardwyck the second of June 1600

your assured faythfull frend

EShrouesbury / /

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