To the Right honorable Sir Robert Cecill Knight Principall Secretarie to the Kinges Majestie with speed speed//
1603. Aprill 13 Countess Dowager of Shrewsbury to my master
Good master Secretarie./ this xiijth of Aprill, I received your letter in the behaulf of my vnnaturall sonne, Henry Cavendishe./ I wishe he had lived so that he were cleyre of all faultes imputed to him (as in this it seemeth you ar informed or at least, some woulde make showe he shoulde be./ had it ben so, I wishe I had knowne it soner/ that then I might have taken less greif and care for his and others vndutifull and vnnaturall dealinges./ I coulde soner be perswaded he were innocent of those matters lately obiected agaynst him, had I not ben credibly and certenly informed (as I knowe your self and others that were of hir Majesties most honorable Privie Counsell were, of his former acting and dealing in the same matter./ no frend I have should rather or soner perswade me to doe for him then your self; but I have ben so hardly and vnnaturally dealt withall by him and others whoe I take it spetially sought my overthrowe, and having no likelier meanes then to worke some nere me, little or not at all before then suspected by me, to ioyne with them in theyr bad actions., that I must crave pardon of you, yf I refuse to doe for those whoe not only in this matter but in many others have by all possible meanes they coulde, sought to hurt & hinder me (god I thank him without any desert of my part./ So good master Secretarie wishing you all honor and happynes I Cease./ ffrom Hardwick this xiijth of Aprill 1603./

your assured ffaythfull ffrend./


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