lettre to my ould Lady.
is required on the behalfe of my verie good Lord the Earle of
Shrewsbury that yr La:p might be warned to appeere in the
Chancery Quindecimus Michaelis to awnsweare a Bill theare by
him exhibited against you. I am at his Lo:ps instance; to
giue you notice thereof by this my lettre according to the
maner vsed towardes such persons of honor. praying and
requiring yor La:p herby to take knowledge thereof, and to
giue order vnto those whom you imploy in such yr causes,
for yr La:ps apparaunce, & the putting in of yr awnsweare
to the said Bill accordinglie, whereof hoping theare shall
be no default on yr La:ps part, I bid you right hartely
farewell. At Yorkhouse 21:° Junij .1605.
To the right ho:ble the Ladie
Elizabeth Countesse dowager
of Shrewsbury./
Dowager to appeere in Cancellaria quindecimus michaelis