To the Ryght honorable my very good Ladye the Countes of Shrewsburye
May yt please your Right honorable Ladyshyppe I haue receyved your Lettre tuchynge the Landes I latelye purchased of therle of Lecestre, sometymes parcell of the Monasterye of Croxton/ which dyd coste me xvjli in redye money as Master Iohn dudley knoweth to whose handes I payde the money for the Erles vse; over & besydes xx ...yde for makynge thassurances/ the tytle conserneth nothinge my Coseyne George foliambe but that yt pleaseth hys wyffe to deale with that neyther he nor she hath anye wayes to deale withall/ neyther is he of any kinred vnto you/ ytt ys myne enheritance and he hath no tytle therto, for yf eny haue ynterest therin yt ys a bastard which my late Coseyne Godfrey ffoliam dyd geve his landes in Wygley vnto/ Wherfor I byesyeche your to haue consyderacon to my lawfull interest/ I am not wyllinge to ... althoghe the bastarde would... geve me fortye powndes in redye mon[y] for ytt/ I dyd not purchas... vnto that end/ nor I do not knowe any reason to Leade me for to ... eny landes and sell ytt agayne for thalffe money I payed your Ladyship ... to greatt experyens in the lyke/ but I do assewer myselff my Coseyn ... ffoliambes wyffe hath so enformed you/ vnto whome I besyeche ... geve no further creditt then she wurthelye deservethe/ ffor the mat[ter] betwene Master Pierponnt & me, I fynde he hath prevented me for [I was] fully reysolved to haue compleyned vnto you of his open wron[g] dysordered ...nge/ Assewrynge your Ladyship I haue done ... me to do dyvers tymes, as my ... dyverse others of as good callyng ... ... to haue his tytle dewlye consydered eyther by our cown[sil] or other wayes, I wyll hartely thanke hym for the same, so as ytt meybe ordered before michaelmes next, And that in the meane tyme my pore tenantes mey quyetlye enioye theyre comons, for god defend that I showld so assent to satysfye hys gredynes in Leaving my possession that a great nomber of pore men aswell hys tenantes as my tenantes and many freholders there haue quyetlye enioyed from the begynnynge/ And for myselff I haue had it xxxiiij yere withowte contradycsyon So do prey god longe to contynewe your happye dayes in health with encrease of honowre./ Sutton thys viijth of Apryll

att your comandment

Fr Leek

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