[Address Leaf: Notes]
To my Loueng daughter the
Lady Talbott / / /
[Letter Text: Notes]
Swete harte, I harde this day from my sonne parponnte
as you may parseue by his Letter;, my systar snowe ys
dysspached from the courte and gon into the contrie
no doubte ther was some deuise vsed to her to doe as
she hath done, I am glad she ys dysspached; but I
can say no more then nan baynton tels me, that she
was at London and ys gon into the contrie; I
thanke god that your L you and all our Lettylons
are well, I haue ben contenewally greately paynd
in my heade, necke, shouldars, and armes, and thenke
yt much worse in the moyste wether./ this day
I thanke god I am somewhat better and ventared
to goe into the gardyn wher I was not this v. or
vj weekes before, I harde not from the courte
since monday, nor know nothing worthy the aduertising
and so I ende praying, god to blesse you my good
sonne and all ours/ at Chelsey this friday/

your Louing mother/ / /


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