To the ryght honorable my very good lord the Lord burgley Lord Tresorar of England///
13.Iunij 1586 The Contiss of salopp Rec. 17. Iunij
my most honorable good Lord; they that be in the pace of your Lordship must be trobuled with the complaynts of such as be oppressed./ and the great regard I haue to your Lordship, makes me open my selfe vpon some speches both of latt and heartofore vsed by your Lordship vnto me which myght discorage me yf your Lordship's honorable disposetyon and goodnes weare not dayly tried and approued of all./ your Lordship supposed I had better frends then you, but truly in my accounte ther ys noe such thinge./ for by the effecttes yt appears not, my meserys being greatter, now then the weare at first, nether any thinge done in my behaulfe more then of late her magestys order by your goodnes which your Lordship with your owne hande made more fauorable for vs./ in treuth I confes ther ys a noble man that hath made some good showes vnto me, whom I haue found at the tyme of my nede much les then he profesed, and in stead of afrendly and Iust course reuyled my sonnes, became parcyall ageanst me, intruding hym selfe to be a Iudge in our cause, which I proteast was much ageanst our desyars, seking violently to make vs yelde to many hard condetyons to all our present ovarthrowes./ others ther be that I haue procured to be moued by my frends as I thenke any dystresed person would, ether to make them frends, or else to stay ther oppotition; yet what hath forlowed, nothynge but generall words, refering my comforte to hope, which hope ys desperate without your Lordship's goodnes and protectyon of me, whos athoretye, wysdom, and honorable dealing, hath of longe and doth satysfye the worlde, to which I vnfortunat woman doe as faythfully subcrybe as any others, acknowledging my bonde to be equall with the greatest./ Lett yt please your Lordship to know and beleue my professyon in all harty and reuerent affectyon towards you, and geue me Leaue by your fauorable acceptance to put my wholl trust and hope in your Lordship for the restoring of the opresed estate of me and myne, dyspayring through any body else to haue redres of my heauye meserys, and so (yf yt please you to regarde yt) bynde me and myne in bonds that we shall euar beare to doe your Lordship thankfull saruyce with yours, and yf yt please your Lordship to excepte here of and take vs into your fauorable conseratyon, we shall depend one you aboue all subiectes, as one most worthy and that hath most bound vs./ only thys maybe doubted of my parte, the world being so ell, whether ther be trewthe and constancye in my professyon, that I refare to the wholl course of my Lyfe past, and dealing with all parsons that haue had to doe with me./. I beceache your Lordship to conceaue the best you shall neuar be deseued in me, and so humble intreating your comforttable answear I cease with my prayar for your Lordship's Longe and happy Lyffe, thys monday./

your Lordships assured and so most bounde


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