To my very frend Syr Frances Walsyingham Knyght prencepall secretory to her Majesty
Countesse Shrewsbury Lady arabella

Countesse of Shrewsbury's Land
Good Master Secretarie with my ryght harty comendatyons I pray you take in good parte my lyke desyar that yt will please you to prefare my humble sute unto the quenes Majesty in the behaulfe of a pore ynfant my Iuyll arbella: who ys to depend wholly vpon her Majestys bounty and goodness being in her tender age depryved of her parrents. whos late mother in her extreeme sycknes, and even at the approching of her end (which I cannot without great grefe remembar) dyd most earnestly sundrye tymes recommend to her Majestys gracyous goodnes and favor that poore infant her only care with hartye desyar, and confedence, that her Majesty myght inioy a Long and prosperous raigne and be a gracyous Patrone, and soufarigne souveraine to that her innocent chyld, as her Majesty had hetherto. ben to them both. and for as much as the foure hondryth poundes yerely graunted to my Lady's daughtar ys by her death at the quenes Majesty's dysposytyon, my humble sute ys that her hyghnes whos manyfould gracious favours and bountye have so much bound me as no subiecte can be more to a most worthy soufarigne wyll vouchesaffe to graunt the same foure hundryth poundes yearly with the other tow hondryth pounds to Arbella for her maintenance duaring her mynorytye, which is but for a few yeares, whereof I dout not but her majesty wyll favorable accepte as hetherto she hath don of all my sutes, and conseder, that her brenging up every way as appartayneth, and so as she may be able the sonar in service to attend upon her Majesty (which I chefly desyar) will hardly be parformed with syxe hondryth pounds yearly in mony and more commodetye ys not to be made of thos Lands being as they are in lesse, I do not lyke she should be now here as she was with her Mother in her lyfe tyme, nether can I be contented she be in any place wher I may not som tymes se her and dayly here of her well doing, and therfore at great chargs to kepe her in house with such as are fytt to attend upon her and be in her compeny, and being neare well towards vij yeares ould she ys of very greate towardnes to learne any theng, and I very carefull of her good educatyon, as yf she were my owne and only chyld, and a great deale more for the consanguynitye she is of to her Majesty whose happye raigne over us I dayly with most zealous mynd pray the Almeghty Gouernor of all thenges long to contenew and now craveing most hartelye your frendshep in moving thys sute to her Majesty I refare the same to your Wysdom being better able to conseder therof then I am at this present, who cannot so soone enter into any thought of thes causes but that I am overcharged with gryefes, and so make an end of this my unconsederat Letters trusting her hyghnes wyll accepte of my loyall dutye and service, which I desyar you wyll commend unto her royall Mayestye. Sheffeld this vjth of May.

your very loving frend

E Shrouesbury.

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