To my loving sonnes Gilbert Talbott William Cavendyshe and my cosyn Clark
vCli presently. vCli terio Trimtertes. 1581 vC in ffesto tour pro x. 1581 vltimo december 1582. vCl
lettres from my Lord & Lady at my beynge at London in february & marche. 1582
My Ladyship’s lettre to my brother William Cavendyshe master Clarke & my selfe concernynge my brother Charles Cavendish’s marryage vltimo January 1590
Sonne Gilbert: I have receaved the artycles sett downe in behalf of a maryage betwixt Charles my sonne and Sir Thomas kidstons doughter, which truly in dyvers pointes are too obstricte, and the same I have noated in the margent of the booke with my answer and mynde to every suche partycule whervnto I refer yow/ I pray yow delyver to good Sir Thomas Cornewallys most harty salutacions from me: with thankes for his paynes taken in the matter and willingnes to have it a matche/ which with all my hart I wishe and will strayne myself to the vttermost, and farr more than shall stand with my ease, bothe for the vertuous demeanure of the younge gentlewoman herself/ and that my sonne is to ioyne with so good frendes/ Yet my hope is that Sir Thomas Cornewallys/ will thinke my offer to the artycles very large and sufficyent/ and be a meane that no further bonde be required, than conveniently I may in reason graunt vnto/ Looke what I have sett downe that shalbe assured in what stet they hold best/ and yf further increase for Charles livinge be stood vpon/ as also eny great Somme to be bestowed of land and assured to Charles/ that my worde may take place, which I will not faile to performe. And further declare, that as he hathe wysely done in forbearing to wryte vnto me for the respecte alledged/ so do I now forbeare in lyke manner to troble him with eny letter from me/ onely making ernest request for his favorable contynuance in concluding the maryage that yt may be dyspatchte before Lent/ and so the enemie wilbe prevented from wurking damage/ My hope is, it will not be taken in so ill degree as is expected/ What soever chaunce lett him rest assured, that I and all the frendes I am able to make shalbe imployde to labor the cause. and thus having referred my mynd vnto yow/ I beseche god to blesse yow. Sheffield the last of January 1580

your louynge mother


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