To ye Ryght honourable me syngular good Lady & mistres ye countes off Sallop gyff the with speed.
Thes nyght after Iohn was gone with me letter ezabell told me yat gylbard dyckensson camme to hur in ye bahowsse & axed yff your honour were here & she answered no & he axed when you went aweay & sed yesterday he axed when you doth com agyne she answared shortly as she thowght. & lat at nyght there came a boye from sheffeld in a greine coate & talked with them in ye stable & sed he moste gow very yerly in ye morninge to sheffeld agyn What you thes meanyng be ther questyons & ye lacky comyng so late & goyng so yerly in ye mornyng I knowe not except yt be to bryng me lord worde off your absence here & so yat he myght com vppon ye soden & fynd you a weay so I leve yt to your honor’s wysdom to conseder off yt as you thynke beste bot I thynke good you were here. master knyveton ryd by to day to sheffeld as I was told & called not so I was told which I marvell off. me lady arbella at viij off ye clocke thes nyght was mery & eates hur meat well bot she went not to ye scolle yis vj days therefore I wold be glad off your ladyship’s comyng yff there were no oyer matter bot yat so I beseke ye allmyghty preserue your ladyship in helthe & send you sonne a good & comfordable end off all your great trobles & geffes Wynffeld thes Twysday ye v off novembar at viij off ye clocke at nyght 1588

your honour’s moste dewtyfull bound obedyent sarvand

Nycholas Kynnerslay

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