not Lyke that any Letters should be showed in the behaulfe of
myne I dare vndertake no manar of harme shall faulout of
yt, yf he were an enemye yt could not, as I know hym
to be avery trew and good frend and can not dout but
to reseue that he hath profyte in hys Letters to me of
Late; yours I know wyll do good and further much
he wyll Lyke that you take in good part hys formar good
wyll to you and your frend and that you vnderstand
by me and others the contenewaunce of hys good wyll
towards you, he wylbe the more yours when he knows by your Letters that you thenke your selfe behoulding to hym
and ^ys^ content to make your selfe so styll;/ your selfe
wyll vse more effectuall and good words then I can
deuyce./ yt wyll please you to shar [deletion] ^your^ grefe for
the Losse, your fauar to hym, your wylingnes to
do hym good and your openyon of hys thankfulnes
to them; and that you trust and desyar that inrecompence
of hys Lose the and for your sake that they wyll deale
as well ^wth^ hym for hys benefyt as yf aft she would
haue don yf god had graunted he Longar Lyfe, wth
promys that you wyll euer bethankfull to hym and
hys and to requyt yt by all the good means that
shall Ly in your powar, the more earnyst and playn
yt ys the more good yt wyll doe, you wyll do yt
in such sort as he maybe assured yt coms from you
to my sonne and for to derect yt, I stay the bearar
of purpas for your Letter, I desyar to haue yt thys
nyght, all myn here ys well and ^taks^ thankful^ly^ your
for remembaring. them; and retourns ther dew
comendatyons, so praying for your health, and the
increas of your happynes I end