To the right worshipfull and my verey good frende Sir Iohn Thyn Knight
After my verey hertie commendacions vnto you good Sir Iohn Thyn and to my Lady, Thies are even so to desire you to spare me your plaisterer that flowred your halle whom I wolde gladly have furthwith to be sent either to my howse at Chattesworthe whiche way Master Hyde can instructe hym Or elles to London that I may sende hym downe with all spede my selfe and what enterteyment you thinke convenient he shall have besides his charges in going thither Praing you to aduertise me by this bearer whether I may truste to hym or not And by whiche way he will goo that at his commyng he may goo in hande with suche workes as I shall appointe by my lettres And if he doo goo presently the next way Let hym enquire for my servaunte Iames Crompe who shall appointe hym what is there to be donne I vnderstande also by Lacy that Master Crouche hath very skilfull men for that purpose I pray you yf your man can not be had to spede me yet some oother where wherin you shall doo me greate pleasure for that my howse is moche imperfit in that respecte and lacke mete men for the same and thus bolde of yours Take my leave of you for this tyme ffrom Bromham the xxvth day of Aprill 1560

your assuryed frende

Elyzabeth. Seyntlo

I pray you send your latter of ansore to lacy to brysto and so with my comendations to you and my lady ones agayne I bede you fare well

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