To my sarvante
Thomas baldwen
Baldwen I perseve by my wyfe hur grete
want & where you wrytt in your Last Lettar
what dettes were demaunded more than you
hadde to pay yett consyderenge hur nede there
I want my celfe for my nedefull vses see hur
payde A hunderethe pound towardes the quens
nueregyfte/. &
therto wylle cauendysche
for my Lord keper my lade cebbam & master
Atorney & see if it be possybell to strech your
credett see if you can helpe my wife to pay CCli
to make vpp hur vC I gave hur or
those summes you Arre most Abell to pay Lett
me know that I may send vppe money
as it cum to my hands & move those that
may best spare bere with me for Awyle
see my wfe payd in Any wyes/. & where
as I shuld have sent to Aldar in
polyson for led see if you gan l...
of him x fethares lede & see it sent to his
house tololds/ & se master walsengam nuergyfte
be good & my Lord tresurares & so I sees this
xxviij decembar 1578//
your Lord & master
G Shrewsbury
I prey you delyuer
thys money to wyll
Cauendysshe with all spede
for yt standyth me erely
apone your mystrys/