To our right trustie & right welbelouid Cousin and Counsellor the Earle of Shrewsburye and to our right dere and right welbelouid Cousin Countesse his wyfe./.
The queens majestes letter of the xxv of Iune 1577 to be kept As the dereste Iuell
By the Queene/

Your most Assured lovinge Cousin and Soverayne

Elizabeth R

Our very good Cousins. Being geuen tvnderstand from our Cousin of Leycester, how honnorablye he was not onlie latelie receaued by you our Cousin the Countesse at Chatsworth, & his dyet by you both discharged at Buxtons, but also presented with a very rare present, we should do him great wronge (houlding him in that place of fauor we do) in case we should not let you vnderstand in how thankfull sorte we accept the same at both your handes, not as don vnto him, but to our owne self, reputing him as annother our self And therfore ye maie assure your selues that we (taking vppon vs the debt not as his but our owne) will take care accordingly to dischardge the same in such honnorable sorte, as so well deserving Creditors as ye are shall neuer haue cause to thincke ye haue met with an vnthanckfull debtor. In this acknowledgement of new debtes we maie not forgett our ould debte, the same being as great as a Soueraigne can owe to a subiect, when thorough your loyall & most carefull looking to the chardge committed to you both we and our realme enioy a peaceable gouernement, the best good happe that any prince on earthe can befaule. This good happe then growing from you, ye might thincke your selfes most vnhappye yf you serued such a prince as should not be as readye gratyouslie to consider of yt as thanckfullie to acknowledge the same/ whereof you maie make full accompt to your compfort when tyme shall serue. Geuen vnder our signet at our mannor of Grenwich the xxvth day of Iune 1577. and in the xixth yere of our raigne./

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