To my Lorde
my hosbande
the erle of
my ladies
my none I here ther ys abrewte that
my dowter lenexe my Iuwell and
my dowter grace shulde come hether
to morow. I cane not beleue yt
for that you haue not made
me to knowe yt; I prey you lette
them stay ther for a shorte tyme
yt wylbe the lesse dongorus for
the ynfeccyone, whyche myght
so hapon yf any here shulde take yt as wolde torne to owre
dyscomforde, withyn a wecke you
shall here frome the corte and
then you may sende them two
or thre dayes afore you comme, I
haue wretyn to strynger, blonte.
hadfelde, and perynce to help me
with the caryage of my tember I
wolde make gattes and other thynges with yt yf I hade yt
I prey you forder them and cause
others of your tenante to helpe
god send my deare swete harte
hys helthe. Sonday
your faythefoul
I haue sente my none
letes, I thanke you for the
salte venyson you mete...