[To] my Lady.
My duty moste humbly Remembred vnto your honor. my Lorde lefte me heare behind him when he wente to Worsop on Wednesday, for that Perence and the workemen were not then redy to goe toward Gotherydge, but I hastened them so muche that yesterday they wente early, There is gone with Perence Loe, Swyfte and one other, they meane to consyther what may be donne of the oulde weare, & if they see no possibilitie of recovery therof this winter, then to vewe yat new place yat is spoken of and get all thinges in redines presently vppon my commynge thither it may goe in hande. Madame where it hathe pleased your Ladyship to bestow of vs a great deale of furniture towards house, we can but by our prayers for your Ladyship shew our selfes dutifull as well for this as all other your Ladyship's continuall benifytts towards vs, wherof we can never fayle so Lonnge as it shall please god to continew his grace towards vs./ presently after your Ladyship's departure from hence my Lord apoynted him of the wardrop to delyver vs the tester and curtaynes of the oulde greene & redd bedd of velvett and satten yat your Ladyship did see, and the clothe bedd tester & curtaynes yat we now lye in, and ij very ould counterpoynts of tapstery, and forbad him to delyver yat bed of clothof gould & tanney velvet yat your Ladyship sawe. That which your Ladyship hathe geven vs is more worth then all that at gotherydg or here of my Lord's bestowing on Wednesday yat my Lord wente hence, cootes brought in a peace of housewyfes clothe nothing deere of xij pence ye yarde & so was holden, which cootes tould my Lord woulde very well serve my wyfe to make sheetes bor[d] clothes & such lyke which my Lord at the fyrst yealded vnto, & bade him carry it to steale to measure into the vtter chambre, and he sayde he thought it very deeare of that pryce, and thervppon my Lord refused to buy it, which was no otherwise then the deniall of ye plate your Ladyship called for. but whether the man or the place be more in faulte I stande doubtefull, I pray god when he will to amende bothe./

Tymperley came yesternyght, it apereth by a note yat came with the stuffe yat there is suche thinges comme as nicholas steward wrytt for, as thredd & silke or suche like, but it is lapped amonge so many other roulles of the lyke, and nothing wrytten on the backsyde, yat we can not tell which is for your Ladyship from other folkes, if therfore my cosen Iane will wryte what your Ladyship sente for, we shall sende them, they appeere to be but small thinges./ I thinke my Lorde will be heare to morow at nyght, and aboute twesday I thinke we shall set forwarde. Thus I beseche your Ladyship moste humbly of your blessing to your lyttell fellow & my selfe, who is very well, (thankes be to god) not forgetting my prayer to god for your Ladyship in all honour to your harts desyre. Sheffeld this fryday. xiijth of octobre. 1575

Your Ladyship's moste humble and obedient loving sunn

Gilbert Talbott

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