To therle of Leycestere
2°. Augusti .1578. Erle and Countesse of Shrewesburye, touching the lady Arbella.
My very good Lord I & my wyfe have Resevyd Ansure out of Scotland from master bowes wyche herein closed I have cent vnto your Lordship. whereby the more fully you may vndarstande how that kynge & late councell there Arre detarmyned Altogeddar to defete oure lytt[le] Arbella of hurre Ryght to therledom of lynoxe & Lordship of darnely and as we both Acknolege oure celves gretly beholdenge to your Lordship for your most favorabell lettares to master bowes wyche hath proqured this his wyes & frendly delynges still we hartely praye your Lordship to contynwe A patron to the Infante by erneste Intarsessyon to hur majeste for hur & vnles hur hyghnes wold vochesafe hur gracus lettares. my most ernest ... sorte to that kynge. onne her lyttell wardes behalfe & hur commaundement to master bowes to follo[w] the mattar effectually we can nott but be in sum despere of the prevelyge herein. Agenste consyens & [iu]gmente as we take it./ for if the worst chaunce it semethe to me that kynge can notte Revoke his first gyfte done in his mynorete before ... cum to lawfull eres. & that it wold ples your Lordship to bestow your oune lettares partykularly to homme [so] evare you thynke it nedefull. & to master bowes to the formore effecte The beshepp of Katnes to home it semethe that kyng hath graunted the erledum is Avery old man. sekely. & without Achyld & I can nott but thynke this is only composed for him to the ende. daubigney in fraunce beinge his nexte ere male shuld soksede him/ for I well Remembar that the duke of guyes & d. demene hathe wryten sondry lettares to the scotes quene in daubigneys behalfe with Assurans of daubygneys sarves to hur whereby it apperethe that this is wrought out of fraunce besydes I have harde my wyfe saye the old lade lynox told hur long agoo of this daubygnes sekenge to prevente the Infante. wych I wylle leue to hur hyghnes consyderacion Apon your Lordship's Informenge her thereof. We havenge no othar hope but holly in hur majestie evare beinge Assured of your care & helpe to bettare effect than partykularly we can Intrete/ & where master bowes wrythe of sum hope for the Recovere of the Rereges of the land for As myche as the olde Lady lynoxe before hur dethe sayd that che was yerly satesfyed of All that was due to hur sunne charles late erle of lynoxe we wyll nott seke furthare for so smawle amattare/ & so wyschenge to your Lordship as to oure celfes we most hartely take oure leve longenge to here how you have desgesed your penauns At buxtons/ chatsworthe this ij of August 1578/

Your Lordship's moste fethefull cosun

G Shrewsbury


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