To the r[ight] [ho]nourable
my uer[y] ... Lord and
frend ... Lord Burghley
Lord Tresorer of
23 September 1578
The Countesse of Shrewsbury
to my Lord
from Chateswoorth
My uery good lord and dere frend
whome I haue allweys found my self
specyally beholding to./ I can not
refreyne but signifie unto your Lordship
the comforte I am in hope shortly to
reseue by being in hir majesties presence.
for my Lord is now determined of
my comming uery shortly to court./
I am lykewyse glad with all my hert
yat I shall se your Lordship my Lady Burgley
and my Lard Oxforde: I can not render
unto your Lordship sufficient thanks for
your goodnes towards my doughter Lennox
and my poore Arbella. And thus
with my uery herty commendaciones I
take my leue of your Lordship/
Chattesworthe the xxiij of September.
your Lordship's moust