To my [lorde] my hosba[nd] the yerle of Shrouesbury
my none you saye you wyll bare with my malyuedy Later but howso euer you bare you haste m[e] to subpley any wante I haue. you say you denyed not not rey. yn dede you yeldod to geue me aletyll but non at all comes. the two botles of secke you sent[e] hether wyll do small sarues here the one ys the smalles that euer I drenke lyke as tho yett were halfe water the other meche worse yett mouste be solde yet sauores so of the uessell that yf ly two mentes more yett wyll not be to be dronke I pre[y] sende some hether to by yett yf you Cane gett any or yf you wyll haue yett sente to worsope I wyll cause yett to be sente. and yf you wyll sende one other to ly here Crompe may go ... to chewse yett. crompe and alsope saythe yf yett be not solde presently yett wylbe worth nothynge. alsope shewed to me to moue you to geue hym longer day for the pamente of the money he woyes you. I haue taken apone me to gett you to geue hym Crystolmes for the pamente of the one halfe and shroustyde for the reste. apone hys outhe and promes that he wyll not fayll to paye yett then. the money ys not meche an[d] you knowe hys trewe dewtyfoull harte towardes you. the pekes mene as I here wylby no meane consente that you shulde knowe the openyon of lernede menne but to haue you to jouge yett out hauynge ther openyones. I here my boye lak... petycotes and other tryffelles therys stoffe to be bought at Shefelde good for that porposse lett not the honeste felow wa... ...chthes I prey you. I here he hathe taken colde. I prey you comende me to my good frende with thankes for the good uenysone. fare well onkende none thys sonday

your faythefoull wyffe


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