ernest suter for your graces goodnes in preferring one
Martyne Nelson to the vicariage of Catricke in Riche=
mondshire Who (being brother to one of my Lordes gentlemen)
is as I am enformed of suche good zeale to Religion and
towardnes in Lerning as I am bold in those respectes to
beseche your grace, that in case ye shal perceve him apt
for that place/ Ye woll please to graunte him your
favour in advauncing him therunto/ Wherin/ Althoughe
I must confesse my self vnable to acquit your goodnes
alredy shewed yet shal I think myself gretlie beholding
vnto your grace in this behalf And so for this tyme I take
my leave ffrom Coldherbar this vjth of May 1568/