[Address Leaf: Notes]
To my Lady
[Letter Text: Notes]
I most humbly thanke your La: for your leter from Mr
Cavendyssh whych I haue returned by thys berer
it is the greatest comfort can cum to me to hear
he is so well passed so far; of hys so longe and
dangerus iurnay: at the end wher of I trust
in god he is by thys tym; for by anott he left
wyth me at hys goinge of hys days iurnays:
wherin he hath altered but on day as apper
reth by hys letters he was at constantinople
the xx of thys month; from whych I besech;
almyghty god send hym short and safe rt
return to your Ladyshyps comfort and myn
chefly; thus most humbly craueinge pardon
for my bould wrytinge thus much vnto your
honor of hys is iurney whych cannot on day
escape me wythout account of hys iurnays
I humbly take my leue wyth lyke desier of
your La dayly blessinge and my prayer
for your La: helth and comfort from
dowbridge hoult thys 27 of Iune
[significant space]

your la: most humble
and obedyent daughte...
[significant space]

Grace Cavendysshe

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'Bess of Hardwick's Letters' was developed by The University of Glasgow with technical development provided by The Digital Humanities Institute at The University of Sheffield
Version 1.0 | ISBN 978-0-9571022-3-1
© 2013 The University of Glasgow
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