[To] my Lorde [and] my Lady
My duty moste humbly Remembred. may it please your honors Accordynge as my Lord of Lecester wyllethe me, so doe I advertyze him of every convenyent messenger that I know passethe vnto your hoonors And so he promysethe as his leasure wyll permytte, to wryte vnto your honors, And this mornynge tellynge him of a messenger, he promysed to wryte if he colde fynde any tyme, And so he sytting in the starre chamber, did ryse sumwhat before the reste, and wrote this lettre to your Lordship/ I have shewed him the sondry commendacions which your honors hathe done vnto him in your lettres to me, the which he takethe ever moste thankefully and Ioyouslye as any man can doe/ This day vppon the Lordes rysynge in the starre chamber, The arbytrators in Burrells cause have appoynted, that on Wednesday nexte they wyll heare & determyne it/ And in the meane tyme I wyll fynde meanes that my Lord of Lecester And my Lord cheife Iustyce shalbe throughly acquaynted with the chefeste poyntes on our sydes, and wyll travell with all my Indevoyre to brynge it to a good ende, yet am I in great doubte that we shall lose all the lande, for yat they all, And my Lord of Lecester also is fully resolved that it is so suffitiently assured vnto the younger brother, as it were dyrectely agaynst the lawes of the realme to putt it from him And so my Lord of Lecester sayde vnto me this mornynge/ I can not gesse what ende it wyll cum vnto/ but I wolde I had no greatter discomforte in it, then my Lord of Rutlandes travell, And then I wolde be in better hope, altho I thynke he laborethe earnestly for the younger brother / master Solysitor dothe promis me all care in the matter, and wyll be with vs on wednesday, The miserye of the elder Burrell is suche, as for remorce I have releaved him ij or iij tymes, and muste pay the lawyers fees of my owne pursse god grant vs a good ende./

I thynke my Lord of Lecester hathe wrytten vnto your Lordship suche newes as is styrrynge, for my selfe I know none, but suche as are common/ the duke Casymyre departethe hens to morrow, and hathe yesterday taken his leave of her majestie who as I heare wyll gyve him at his departure ij Cupps of goulde, of severall fassions worthe CCCli a peece, there hathe bene sumwhat to doe ... ... it and master Secretary Wallsyngham bare the brunte therof, on Sunday laste this duke was chosen one of thorder of the garter, And my Lord of Lecester gave him for a present A ryche collor, and A George at it, And ij other Georges besydes, wherof one of them was an Aggett, a Curyous and ryche pece/ also my Lord of Pembroke hathe sente Casymyre from Wyllton where he is sumwhat sycke a fayre george at a cheane of goulde sett with stones which Coste a CL.li/ my Lord of Lecester also hathe geven him dyvers other thynges, as geldyngs, hawks and hounds woddknyves falchynes, hornes, crossebowes, And sondry peces of brode clothe fytte for huntynge garmentes; bothe for wynter & sumer/ for he delyghtethe greatly in huntynge, and can chouse his wynter deere very well, he kylled a barren dooe with his pece this other day in hyde park, from emongest CCC other deere/

her majestie contynuethe her very good vsage of Monsieur Semyer and all his companye, and he hathe conference with hir iij or 4 tymes A weeke/ And she is the best disposed, & pleasantest, when she talkethe with him, as by her gestures apperethe, that is possible The opinion of Monsieurs cummynge styll holdethe, And yet it is shoretely bruted that he can not take vpp so muche monny as he wolde of suche a soddayne, And therfore will not cum so sone

/ I can not learne any thynge more of Quene mother her cumming into Inglande, yet sum doe thynke that she will cum very sodenly, but for my owne parte I doe not beleave it./

I had forgotten to wryte vnto your Lordship before I wrote of seinges that my Lord of Huntyngdon goethe with Casymyre to gravesende And Sir henry sydney to Dover. The frenchemen here & the Spanyshe Ambassadore dothe very greatly repyne, at the great Intertaynement of this duke./ my Lord of Lecester, hathe bene allmost continually with him synce his commynge to London./

The matter betwyxte my Lord of Rutland & master markham resteth as it did, And nothynge as yet hathe bene done therein, synce theyr laste commynge vpp. her majestie hathe talked ofener with thomas markham than with the other, and shewethe to markham very great good countenance. And suerly he hathe many good freindes that doe stycke vary well vnto him./ Touchynge the effecte of the laste lettre which I receaved yesterday from your Lordship concernynge Roulsoon/ I will betymes to morrow imparte it to master myddellmore/ for he hathe bene oute of the Towne thes iiij dayes, but wylbe here at courte to morrow mornynge/ I wyll also imparte it to my Lord of Lecester & to master Skidmore, And desyre them as occasion servethe; & yat they heare that this impudent fellow dealethe in any suche sorte, to informe her majestie of the truthe therof, yet I intende to tell master myddellmore therof, & not doe it withoute his advyse leaste he sholde thynke any thynge therat. I can not learne that Roulston is come vpp./ This day in the starre chamber the lordes examyned iiij messengers suche as are daly sente of errantes from the courte, who are founde by counterfeytynge of the Lord chamberlayne And ye secreteryes handes, to have deseaved the Quene above three thousande poundes within thes vij yeres, they and theyr confederates, whervppon they muste stande of the pyllerye, at Westmester, at the courte gates, & in chepesyde, on certayne dayes appoynted, and then have theyr eares cutte of./ on thursday laste, as my Lorde Rytche was rydynge in the streetes, there was on wyndam that stode in a dore and shott A dagge at him, thynkynge to have slayne him, but god provyded so for my Lord ryche, that this Wyndam apoyntynge his servante yat mornynge to charge his dagge with ij bulletts; the fellow doubtinge he mente to doe sum myschefe with it, charged it only with pouder & paper, & no bullett, and so this Lord's lyfe was therby saved for otherwyse he had bene slayne, Wyndam was presently taken by my Lord Rytches men, & beynge broughte before the counsell confessed his Intende, but the cause of this quarrell I know not but he is commytted to the Towre/ The same day also as Sir Iohn Conway was goeynge in the stretes, master Lodovyke grevell came sodenly vppon him, and stroke him on the hedd with a great Cougell & felled him, And beynge doune stroke at him with a sworde And but for one of Sir Iohn Conwayes men who warded the blow he had Cutte of his Legges, yet did he hurte him sumwhat on bothes his shynns/ The councell sente for Lodovyke grevell, and hathe commytted him to the marshallcye: I am forced to troble your honors with thes tryflynge matters, for yat I know no greatter. / my wyfe dothe very well, I thanke god, And is an obedyente patient, & lykethe thos easye thynges yat are applyed to her very well. for thestate of her boddy master Iulio toulde me that he hadd wrytten it at Lengethe to your Ladyshypp. And thus moste humbly we beseche your honors daly blessynge, praynge to allmyghtye god for your Lordships longe contynuance in all honor, moste perfyte healthe and longe lyfe. at your Lordships lyttell house nere charing crosse this present fryday late at nyghte. the xiijth of february 1578

your honors moste humble and obedient Lovynge chyldren.

Gilbert Talbott

Mary Talbott

I never sawe Thomas Cornyshe but once synce he came vpp, nether doe I know whether he wyll goe into fraunce, or returne to your Lordship agayne/ nor any thynge at all of his besynes more than your Lordship's lettre./

I pray your Ladyship lett me know your pleasure for ye parsonage of Tormorton

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