[Address Leaf]
A coppy of my lettre to my
L:d 9: Iunij .1586.
[Letter Text: Notes]
I doe hereby in all bounden duty, & hum... ...y selfe before
my se yor Lp: moste humblie becechinge p...are playnely &
truly: the cause why I have not attended on yor Lp: at this tyme proceding
only oute of a great feare of yor Les: wrathe & hevy displesure conceved
againste me; wch I have harde by verye many hathe bene more styrred
of late then of a longe tyme before, thorrow sondry Informacions of my
vndutifullnes towardes yor Lp: whereby I have doubted yor Lp: wolde
now faule into the same manner of offence againste me wch hertofore
yor Lp: hathe done, espetially once at Sheffeld castell at ye same
tyme the Earle of Leycester was at Buxstons, whereby ther
entred into me then suche an Impression of vehemt grefe And
vexation of spiritt ^mynde^ thorrow conceyte of a dutyfull [deletion] ^vnkyndnes^
as the same wente nerer my lyffe, or losse of my pore wytts &
sences, then is allmoste possible for yor Lp: to conceve or beleve
And albeit I righte well know yt I owghte, bothe by the lawes of
god nature & men, patiently to beare what correction by wordes or
deedes, it shall please yor Lp: to laye vppon me (knowinge well the same
nedes muste nedes fyrste procede oute of a fa...my welldoyng)
yet is there suche an inward instyncte of...at when
any suche wordes shall procede oute of yor...as sheweth
the wonted love wch I know ...
& cleane altered; I am then prsently ...of mynde
yt bereves me of all comforte of lyffe; And ...e as nothing
but godes omnipotent grace can restore me ffor better proffe wherof
& yt this procedethe oute of suche inclynacion, & nothynge els, I will in
all duty & humblenes subiecte my selfe to any other manner of correction
ether by dispossession of any erthly benefytes in prsent or future
or any other way of losse or punishmt whatsoever, so as it myghte ples...
yor Lp: to forbeare to chastyse me wth the extreme rygoure of wordes
wch wolde depryve me of all ioy or comforte of lyffe or worldly
thynges. And as nature hathe wroughte this effecte in me this
way, so hathe the favorable & lovinge speches of yor Lp: heretofore
vnto me, wroughte the other way, as espetially ye laste tyme I did
wayte on yor Lp: at yor goynge from London, when I returned the
moste ioyed in harte yt ever I was in my lyffe, & so continued
vntyll I sente one vnto ^to^ yor Lp: shortely after, vnto whom I harde
yor Lp: publikely vttered yor former wrathe & great displesure agenst
me./. Thus moste humblie on my knees becechinge yor Les: blessinge wth
my wonted bounden prayers for yor Les moste perfyte healthe, honour
& longe lyffe, I humblie cease this 9 of Iune .1586.

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