To my Lady
Our bounden duty moste humblie Remembred/ In lyke
humblenes we render your Ladyship thankes for your lytter
/the laste/ tho the leste of your Infinite goodnesses
towardes vs & ours/ We are safely comme
hither to dunstable (we thanke god) this Shrofe
munday at nyghte/ And now for yat the fowle ways is
paste/ we thynke beste to returne your Ladyship's lytter
agen from hence./ Suche newes as on the
Queenes hye wayes we have mett with/ your Ladyship shall now
vnderstand/ fyrste that her majestie (royally in
person) was at the parlament house/ the fyrste day
of this parlament where Sir Iante Snagge was
admytted for the Speker of the nether house/
My Lorde of Darby is Lord Steward duringe
this cession/ That yesterday one tolde a man
of myne/ that as yet nothynge of any moment
hathe bene touched in the nether house
nether any expectacion yat any gret matters
wilbe handeled/ but yat it will shortely ende/
That a day or two before the parlament
began/ the Lord chansellor the Lord Theasurer with j or
ij more of the privy counsell/ and master
Auturnea, & master Solicitor, were with therle of
Arundell in the Towre, Synce which tyme ther
hathe bene no suche speche of his araynement
as ther was before/ This is all the Queenes
hye wayes hathe afforded vs of newes/ Yet
further we here that all your Ladishyps above
are very well./ And Thus in haste, moste humblie
besechinge your Ladyship's blessinge to vs & all ours/ who
pray evermore to the moste hieste spedely to
graunte vnto your Ladyship all contentmentes with longe lyffe we humblye
seace/ tyll our nexte lettres/ which shall not be longe
Your Ladyship's moste humble
& obedient lovinge chyldren
Gilb: Talbott
Mary Talbott
We haue desired your ladyship's leter men to bringe
a lettre to your ladyship from beskewod wher mistress
markhames ernest intrety mad vs to leue
her tell the returne ther of I besech the
all mighty to send your ladyship my lady Arbell
and the rest of your ladyships a most hapi long life