To my wyfe the countes of Shrewesbury
My dere none beinge here Aryved At wyngfeld late yestarnyght from Refford thow wery in tollenge Aboute yett thynkenge you wold be desyrus to here from me screbeled thes few lynes to lett you vndarstand I was in helthe & wysched you Anyghtes with me/ I pyked out Avery good tyme for cynse my comyng from home I nevar hadde lettares but thes this mornynge from gylbard whyche I sende you/ I mynd to morow god wyllenge to be with you At Chatsworth & in the mene tyme as occorrants cum to me you shalbe partakar of them/ I thanke you swete none for your baken capon & chefleste of all for Remembreng of me/ it wylbe late to morow before my commynge to chatsworth vij or viij of the cloke at the soneste & so farewell my trew none this xxviijth Iune

Your fethefull husband

G Shrewesbury

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'Bess of Hardwick's Letters' was developed by The University of Glasgow with technical development provided by The Digital Humanities Institute at The University of Sheffield
Version 1.0 | ISBN 978-0-9571022-3-1
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