[Address Leaf]
To the right honorab...
my very good Lord
the Lo: Pagett./
Contesse of shrewesburye 1582
[Letter Text: Notes]
My very good Lord, yt is not vnknowen vnto you howe vpon
the marriage passed betwixt my sonne Charles and
Sr thomas Kytsons doughter certein landes are to be assured
vpon bothe parties wch we all desyre maye be perfected this
next terme, to wch ende Sr Thomas & my Lady & Mr
thomas Kitson haue knowledged a ^fyne or^ Recoverie, and because
my counsell so advised for thavoidinge all doubtes, I procured
comission to take like knoweledge of mr Iarves Kytson, to
whom also Sr thomas wryt in that behalfe; but he
havinge annuytie owt of parcell of the landes conteyned in
the Recoverie ^fyne^ refused therfore to knowledge the same
vntill he might speake wth you and Sr thomas Kytson in
because he wold not do any thinge vnadvisedly and promised
to be at London vpon Satterdaye next to do that in reason
ys convenyent,. but because I am doubtefull he shall not
fynd Sr thomas there, to whom yf he shuld travaill into the
countrey he can not after, knowledge the Recoverie in due
tyme to be recorded this next terme (as we desyre yt maye)
and for ^that^ I heare he relieth moche vpon yor lo: I am to desyre
yor good perswasion to hym to passe the same at his comynge to
London wthout further delaye, And for any Impeachement of
his annuytie by force of that recoverie, I assure you I will
see hym acquited theref, and that he shall haue as good
securitie for the same as he had before./ I litle doubte of
any assurans or title he hath in the landes because Sr thomas
ascerteyneth me he hathe non: yet for satisfyenge my fantesie
fantesie, & advoydinge all scruples considered of, by my frendes
& councell, I am very desyrous he shuld knowledge yt
presently vpon his repayre to London, whervnto I truste by
yor Lo: good meanes he wilbe induced, So shall I still taste
more of yor frendly good will towardes me, wherof I thinck
my selfe assured as you shalbe of myne in what I maye
And so wth my right hartie comendacions, wishe yor lo: as
well to do as my selfe./ Sheffeld this xth of Iune

your .L. assuryed
louynge frend

[Next Page: Notes]

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