To master William Lacye
esquier at
Master Lacye; . for ye sixtene shillings a yere, you pretend to
haue title to forth of Turvills anghton I assure my self
there is not any atall due vnto you, neyther during my
tyme hath there euer bene any payd, nor before, yat euer
I hard of/ yf you call the matter in question by law, I
shalbe redy to answere yt./ yf you hold yat the better course
to let your counsel & some of myne to talk of yt;. I
dobt not but to satisfie you thoroughly. I haue written
to one master Baber of Bristoll on of my lerned counsell, to be
redy to mete you or any of your counsell, vppon notyce giuen from you.
And so leauing this matter to your owne consideration I ceass
with my herty commendacions./ from hardwyck this xjth of
March 1592./
Your louing frend./