To my verye good ladye my ladye Sentlowe geffe thys
good madame my humble commendacyons to yor Ladyship I wold hav bene with you or now but that be reason of rowmes dystyllynge into my brest I have soche horsenes that vnethe you could here me spek/ whereapon hath folowed the coughe of the longes that hath putt me to a mervoulouse payne/ I am well amended of my horsenes but not of my cowghe specyally yn the nyght yt holdythe me sore/ and yf I take the ayre wors so lytl I cawghe vnreasonablye but as sone as the wayther ys fayr I wyll see you yf I be enye thynge next/ goodmadam/ I do nat beleev that mean your lettr I shal receve enye money of Master Clerke and streghte I beseche you yf yn eny wysse can to helpe me wyth one handrythe poundes or yf ye can nat helpe me to so muche to helpe me to fyftye poundes and ye shall have eyther my lease of hethe cote myne or els... landes I hau yn aldwecke yn morgage for the same/ suche madame yf you wylbe so good to helpe me to the some betwyxt thys and the xxvijth daye of this Ianuary I shalbe muche bounden to you for the same for if I have yt not be that daye yt wyll come to late to serve my turne thus takyng my leve and prayyng you of answere wythe my hertye comendacyones do wyshe vnto you and all yours as vnto my selfe from hardwycke the xxth daye of thys Ianuarye

your most lovyng brother duryng my lyff

Iames Hardwyk

and I shalte geffe you for the Interest of the same mony what you wyll

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