very good Lady and mother
in Lawe the Lady Elizabeth
Countesse of Shrewsbury
dowager: at Hadwicke
aduertised that yesterday beinge ffryday, I receyued a lettre from
my Servant Townrow from London, wherin he writeth that ~
he hath not as yet got any answere from my sister
Grace; of the lettre wch I writt vnto hir, wch your ho:r
knoweth of; but said yt she would writ vnto me an answere,
but as yet hath not: and he writeth further that she
deliurd the lettre to my brother hir husband, who he him self
did see read it, and he saith that it semeth by his speaches
that he did well accept therof, and thanked me for my
remembrance, and wished he had bene ther before my
Comminge downe: and intreated my man in his next
lettre to commeand him kindly vnto me, after which his
speaches my sister spake privately vnto him, and as
he writeth (said these wordes) wch he thought should
not haue proceded from hir, wch were these: Assure my
brother I am and euer wilbe, as sorry to doe any thing
that may be eyther hurtfull to him, or the house wherof
I came; as any sister or woman in the world, except
great and extreame necessity doth inforce me thervnto,
wch nowe god knowes is much, and we are hardly delt
with, both by my ould Lady and my Lord: Addinge
furthr yt I should assure my self that assoone as my
Lord, did move any such matter vnto hir, as she protested
as yet he hath not done; I should knowe of it: which
answere accordinge to my Lettre dated from Newarke
he made acquainted to mr Willium Cavendishe who
returned him this speech: Assure your self, she will not
doe it, without a great some of money, which my Lord
can not giue; without they will take ther payment in
wordes, and that will pay no debtes; nor releive ther
present want, but they are wise enough for that, and
if my sister should, yet the Recoury will not be good
vnlesse your ho:r consent thervnto, wch I hoope you
never will: and this is all he adurtiseth in those matters
But he writeth that the Earles Iewells and platt are
laid to pawne, and that ther is as many suters euery
day at his chamber, as at the most noble men in the
Court; but they come onlye to Crave ther debtes:
Parliament, nor like to be that he can learne ~
Thus with my wifes most bounden duty and my owne
vnto hiryour ho: most humbly cravinge your blessinge to vs
both, doe most humbly and hartely beseech the contenuance
of your honorable fauour, with the like humble thankes
for your most hon:ble bounty towardes vs: Soe wishinge
you most long and happy yeares: doe humbly take my
Leave: Bothell the xijth of Maye: 1604:
and faithfully affected
Sonne to be commaunded//