To the ryght honorable Sir
Francys Walsingham knyght
her magestys prencypall secretary,
2 December
The Countesse of Shrewbury
Syr I beseache you not to suffar Coppley to goe downe tyll my Lord
Tresurar and you may examyn of both sydes my Lordship's dealings
for the breache of her magestys order./ Coppley hath ben with my
Lord Tresurar and hys answeare to hys Lordship as I heare ys that he
can not partecularly answeare to thyngs, and desyars that one
may be sente into the contrye to examyn mattars, thys ys
the man that my vnkynde Lord wrete and sente worde by my
sonne Henry Talbott to her magesty that should fully satysfye
her magesty and others; that my Lord had not broken her order
in the Least thynge; now the fellow pleads egnorance and
would shefte yt of, and hopes besydes delay to haue one goe
in the ende to sarue ther torne./ I beseache you suffar
not Coppley to goe tyll my Lord Tresurars healthe and your
Leasuar wyll sarue to heare the mattar of both partes./ and
then I doubte not but agreate parte of the wronges my lord
ys made to doe wyll appeare playnly; aftar yf yt be your
pleasuars to sende an endeferent man; yf anythynge rest
doubtfull, I shal not myslyke, but I trust vpon the hearing
of the matter all wrongs wyll appeare playne.// ... so
trusting you wyll pardon me for trobuling you with my
tedyus screbeling I cease; praying the Lord to prospar
you and yours to your owne hartes desyar; thys
thursday nyght./
your faythfull frend