[Address Leaf: Notes]
To the Righte honorable
my verry good Lorde the
Lo Burghley Lo: Treasoror
of England/
28 Ian: 1581.
The Countesse of Shrowesbury
to my L.

That ye yonge ^La^ Arbella, may
haue yt land yt ye late
Countesse hir mother had
assigned hir.
[Letter Text: Notes]
My honorable good Lo yor Lo: hath harde by my Lo howe it hathe
pleased god to visit me but in what sorte soeuer his pleasure is
to laye his hevye hande on vs we muste take ytt thankefullie It is
good reason his hollye will should be obeyed, My honorable good Lo
I shall not nede here to make longe resitall to yor Lo: howe that
in all my greatest matters I haue bene sigularelie bounde to yor Lo:
for yor Lo: good and especiall favor to me and howe muche yor Lo:
did bynde me the pare woman that is gone and my swete Iuell
Arbella att or laste beinge at Corte, neither the mother duringe her
Lyffe nor I can ever forgett but most thankefullie acknowledge Itt
And so I am well assured will the yonge Babe when her Ryper
yeres will suffer her to knowe her beste frendes, And nowe my good Lo:
I hope her Matie vpon my moste humble suitt will lett that
portion whiche her Matie bestowed on my doughter and Iuell
Arbella remayne wholie to the Childe fo for her better education
her seruantes that are to loke to her, her Mrs that are to trayne
her vpp in all good Learninge and vertue will require no small
charges, wherefore my earneste request to yor Lo: ys so to recomend
this my humble suitt to her Matie as ytt maie sonest & easiliest
take effect, And I beseche yor Lo: to gyve my sonne Willm
Cavendishe leave to attend on yor Lo: about this matter, And
so referringe my self my swete Iuell Arbella and the whole matter
to yor honorable and frendlie Carefull and consideracion I take
my leave of yor Lo: besechinge yor Lo: to pardon me for that I
am not able nowe to wryte to yor Lo: wth my owne hande
Sheffeild this xxviijth of Ianuarye/

your .L. most assury...
louynge frend


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