[Address Leaf]
To my Lovinge
sarvant Thomas
Baldwyn at
La...y Shrewisbury
17 Jan 1579
[Letter Text: Notes]
Baldwyn. Wheras you cast the fault vpon Barnesley
that my sonne Harry Talbott did not subscrybe the wryting
as was my L. plesure/ that cannot excuse yor self,
because I was than of no othr mynd but yt
would fall out as it hathe/ insomuche I might
have obtained my L. letter of commandement as you
know in that behalf/ but that you tooke
the matter vpon you and assured me you would
see yt accomplishte ... my L. ...ynd and myne,
therfore I am to thinke great default in you.
notwthstanding do pray since now my L.
hathe wrytt to Barnesley his plesure accordingly
that you will gett it forthwth ended wthout
longer delay this terme and not to fayle/
and if it cannot be done by dedim...s
potestatess, than my L. plesure is
that my sonne harry come to London.
And so fare you well.
Sheffield the xvijth of
Ianuary 1579

your louynge


if my L chefe Iustus
wyll nott graunt adedemus
potestatus lett harry cum vppe to dispaitch
this terme

G Shrewsbury

send Apott of grene gengar
in siroppe that is very good for my self

chewe the beste and se my mater
dysspached thys terme I prey you, I am
clered by yt and none cane gayne

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