Thomas Baldwine at
Shrowesbury house
in London
Aspanyche leddar gerken ^verry^ plane wt longe
cuttes/ & I wyll have it wt Alonge belly &
pla brode in the sholdares & lynde it about wt
parchmett of gere
nethar the sheryffe hath lett him goo At
lybarte Apon landes & lykewys temploy I
know ^nott^ the menyng thereof but surely I
lyke it nott [deletion] to say lyttell tyll the metyng
in whytson weke & were I loke for you to
Remembre to sende doune my cloke to [deletion] putt
to mendenge by bentall it must coste xs mendeng
& so for this tyme I sees. Sheffeld this xiij
of may 1580/
letter ^from my lo^ I openyd yt before
I louked of the derectyon
thenkeing yt had bene to my
selfe; when you com brynge me word
how my doughter pvrponte dothe a...
reste of myne doth
your mystrys