worchoupfull my
uarye frende
Syr Iohen thyne
werewtall now to trbyll you. yet wyll I not suffer
eny knowen messenger to pase wtout my latters
of sonday I made ane ende of my longe foulle
Iourney/ by the way I wos many tymes yn
mynde to haue restode. for my horcus wos
not well habyll to passe thoro the touffe myre
waye wt the leter/ I haue escapyed one
of my fettys synes my comynge whome
and dowte not yn shorte tyme to recouer
my helthe. yf amounste you I haue no wronge
offerede me yn my absence/ yf any seche
matter happon I trouste you wyll so for se for
me that yet shall not be hurtefoull to me
nor myne/ to declare vnto you how I founde
my poore howse yn all thynges dysorderede
were to meche to trobyll you wtall. but
for the good order and clyndelynes of yet
I dare compare yet wt any en[deletion] wtyn thys
reyme. I trousse mayster hyde wyll kepe
hys aponntode day wt me. and by hym I
trouste to here frome you. my lady and
my frende maystrys eynes. I unto whome
I pray you that I may be comaundode
and so wt my mouste harty thankes
for the frenchepe that I haue resauyed
as at your handes. wyll sease trobelynge
you frome Chattysworth the xv of march
wayes bowden/