Here is no thinge that I can so advertise yor La. of
yesterday Ratclyfe my brother Savills man came from
London wth a lettre to my L. from his mr of my L.
of Pembroke and my sisters departure from london
on thursday laste, their hole companie is aboute
xxx persons, the Q. ma.tie hathe lente them one
her beste shippes throughly furnished to carry
them to Andwerpe, and hathe apoynted mr William
Gorge the captayne therof. my brother Saville
and my sister hathe earnestly desyred me to excuse
them for not wryting now vnto yor La. and to gyve
you moste humble thankes for the furthering of
my L. liberallitie vnto them, whereof at large
I wrytt vnto them. howbeit mr Alderman osburne
to whom my L. earnestly directed his lettres to gyve
them creadite for one hundreth markes and he wolde
repay the same at michellmas, woulde not lende
them any more then fyvetie poundes, & not that
not in prsente mony, but by a byll of exchange to be
receaved in Andwerpe, for wch he muste ^pay for^ the exchange,
as it were interrest, wherin, in myne opinion he hathe
litell deserved the good turnes yt my L. dothe vnto him
^& hindered them of my L. gyfte.^/.
my L. is continually pestered wth his wonted
busyness, and is very often in exceding collor of sleyghte
occasion, a great greife to them yt loves him to se him hurte
him selfe so muche. he now speketh nothing of my goyng to
house, & I fere woulde ^be^ contented wth scilence to passe it over
In all my lyfe I never longed for any thing so
muche as to be from hence truly madame I rather
wishe my sealfe a plowman ^then here to continew.^ my L. myndeth
to sende me to killingworth, when her matie commeth
thither./ Yor La. pretty fellow is a ryghte
honeste man every way I truste yor La. thinketh so
besyde his owne desertes, by father and moother.
who doe all moste humbly crave yor La. blessing
and pray for yor La. lonnge healthe in all honour
& happines. sh. this prsente Wednesday. my Lorde
is now goyng to Tankarsely to coursse, I here not
of any that dothe t mete him therre./ ~
and obedient loving sunn.
/ / /