wyff att chatsworth be
delyver thys///
vnderstande thatt ytt ys no smale fear nor greyff vnto me off thye
well doyng, then I showlde presentlye se what I dowght, nott
onelye for th thatt my contynvall nyghtlye dreams besyds
my absens hath trobelyd me besydes bvtt also cheyflye for that
hvghe alsope kan nott sarttefye me in whatt estate thow nor
thyne ys, whome I tendar more then I do Wyllyam Seyntlo
therefore I praye the as thow doest love me lett me schortlye
heare from the for the qvyetyng off my vnqvyetyd mynde howe
thy owne swete seylff wyth all thyne doeth trvstyng
schortlye to be emongst yow/ all thye frendes here be salvteth
the/ harrye skypwyth desyred me to make the and no other
pryve that he ys svre off maestres neyll wyth whome
he ys by thys th tyme/ and ^he hath sentt^ x thowsand thancs
thanckes vnto thye seylff for the same sche hath openyd all
thyngs vnto hym/ to morowe syr rychard sackfelde
and I ryde to london to gyther, apon satvrdaye ^nextt^ we
retvrne hyther agayne/ the qvene yesterdaye her
owne seylff rydeng apon the waye crved ^craved^ my horse, vnto
home I gave hym resevyng openlye for the same
manye goodlye wordes/ thvs wysschyng my seylff
wyth thye seylff I bedde the my owne good sarvantte and
cheyff oversear off my worcks moste harttelye farewell
by thyne who ys holye and onelye thyne, ye and for all
thyne whyls lyff lastyth/ from Wynsor the fowerth off
good maestar and moste honest
hvsbande maestar Syr
mye brothers and systars there nott
forgettyng francke wyth the reste
wyth the rest off mye chyldren and
thyne/ the amnar salvtethe the and
sayeth no Ienttlemens chyldren in Ingland schalbe be bettar welcvm nor
bettar loked vnto then owre boyes/ ones agayne farewell good honest swet