To my Lady.
To my lorde of some affecte
to my Lady
Maye yt please your Honor, I thought yt good to let
your Ladyship vnderstande of a mysfortune that happened
in my howse. On thursday at nyght last at supper
ij of my men fell owt abowte some tryflynge woordes
and to all theyr felloes iudgementes that harde theyr
iangelynge, wear made good ffrendes agayne, and went and
Laye togeether that nyghte, for they had byn bedfelloes of longe
before, and loved one thother very well as every boddye tooke
yt in the howse. On ffryday mornynge very early, by breake
of daye they wente forthe, by name Swenerton, and Langeford
with ij swordes a peece, as the sequele after showed, and
in the fyeldes foughte together, and in fyghte, Swenerton
shlewe Langeford, to my great greyfe booth for the sodeyne
deathe of the one, and for the vtter dystructyon of the tother
whom I loved very well. Good Madam let yt not trowble
you in any thynge, we are mortall, and borne to many
and strange adventures, and thearfore must temper owr myndes
to bear shuche burthens as shall be by God layd on owr shoulders.
My greattest greyffe, and so I iudge yt wyll be some
trowble to your Ladyship that yt shoulde happen in my howse
alas madam what coulde I dooe with yt, altogether not once
suspectynge any thynge betwyxte them. I haue byn ryghte
sorofull full for yt, and yt hath trowbled and vexed me, more
then in reason yt should haue donne a wyese man. I would to
God I could forget that theyr never had byn any shuch matter.
Vpon the facte donne I sent for Master Adderley, and vsed
hys counsell in all thynges. Swenerton ffledde presently, and
ys pursued but not yet harde of. Thus humbly cravynge
your Ladyship's dayly blessynge I end, more then sadde to trowble
your Ladyship thus longe with thys sorrofull matter. Tutbury thys present
Your Ladyship's most bounden humble
and obedyent sonne:
Henry Cavendyshe.
retarne thys
my Iuwell thys saterday at nyght I resauyed
thys later meche to my greffe for the myshape
yett was euer lyke that swenertone shulde
comete some great fayte he was a vane lewe felow.
fare well my deare harth
your faythefoull wyffe